Sunday, May 17, 2009

We Went Visiting . . .

. . .In Midland Today

It's been a year since Lady B was in Midland, Texas, at which time she picked me up at the airport when I returned from Skooba's and Paula's Washington wedding and my visit to Scrabblebuff there and then with DP in California.

She visited then with her eldest sister, Lady M, who's been ailing for a few years.
Today the two had a SWEET meeting once again after we drove the 100 miles from Hobbs to spend a couple hours.

Lady B also met her niece whom I'll call Lady BL just to make sure there's no confusion. If we sometime visit Lady B's other sister, younger than Lady M, we'll call that sister Laby BJ. I know them all. They're all SWEET ladies.

Back to the Midland story. Lady M seems to be in reasonably good health but a bit frail. Lady B has been worried about her but is relieved to see that Lady M is holding up fairly well considering age and her number of ailments.

She and Lady BL showed us a new roof and some skylights on their house which were necessitated by hailstorm damaage. Believe me I have never seen hail stones the size of those which were saved in the freezer, golf ball and orange size orbs of ice - really!

While they all chatted about family news, health and other topics, I chatted with Dan, Lady M's husband, about his frustrations brought on by health problems; no more driving, golfing, fishing or walking and briefly about his dislike - just as like mine - of loud television commercials.

Dan was happy to hear I still drive but had a question "I thought your eyes were failing on you?" I do drive despite eye problems because I can see on the road but cannot read well. I drew a good laugh when I told him "I do all right as they as they keep painting those white lines on the roads."

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great visit. I'm glad you can still drive safely GF. If you need, I'll come out there and give you a few lessons to help out. (wink)
