Saturday, January 9, 2010

Still There Lady?. . .

. . . Hope You Are

I find it amazing and in one case very disturbing that firms all over the country seldom review and update their mailing lists for all the junk mail that continually fills my mailbox.

I am not alone with this problem I'm sure but I've got to get this off my mind and the BEST way to do it is unload my wrath on you folks.

A lawyer once lived here, before the last owner from whose estate this house was purchased. No doubt she (may have) enjoyed reading the legal mumbo jumbo that (deceased) lawyer received and kept receiving at this address.

For several months now I have been getting mail addressed to a painting and sand-blasting company. Is this because somebody using a computer mis-typed my address for this company, thus getting my address circulated all over the country?

Could it be that the company owner, who may have been the BEST in the business was in trouble, like near bankruptcy, and picked a random address to have bills diveerted from his real location?

A couple years ago a local dentist began sending bills to this address for a woman who had obviously received service several times but instead of
giving her own address, picked this one.

After being notified, the dentist eliminated my address and hopefully for his sake located the patient and got paid his due.

The disturbing thing about some mail I have been getting for the past FIVE years I've lived here is the stuff coming for a lady who last owned this house and passed from this world about eight years ago.

Addressed to Mrs. -------------- an insurance company periodically sends a thck envelope which says on the front "Here's the Second Chance You've Been Waiting For . . .

A well known company which rents CDs to people who like movies, (and bothers the heck out of me with pop-up ads on my computer) came through awhile ago with an envelope to the same deceased lady with the message on the outside " Look Inside and See What's Hot For You."

Routinely, catalogs arrive for her with the cover message "This May Be Your Last Catalog Unless You Order. "

Another disturbing bit is the apparent selling of names and addresses by political parties which obtain voter registration records and, besides using them for their own purposes, also sell the lists.

Old Newsie's spouse carries a hyphened last name which a courthouse clerk may have mis-typed a few years ago.

On the official records it is corrected but it is obvious the records may have been sold before the correction was made because mail continues to arrive with the wrong last name from all types of places.

Now that all this is off my chest I guess the BEST solution to my problem is to forget about it and buy a big wastebasket.

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1 comment:

  1. Apparently junk mail is of relative value depending on who gets it. I remember when a certain Grandfather signed up his distant grandsons for mail from John Deer, Rototiller and every seed catalog in the country so they would get their very own mail in the box!
