Monday, February 8, 2010

Marriage Intentions . . .

. . . Abound in Newspaper

Whenever a longer then usual list of marriage intentions, supplied by the county clerk, appear in the records section of the newspaper, any newspaper, the list is a harbinger of weddings to come, either on New Year's Eve day or Saint Valentine's Day.

Once it was that in May, plans for a June wedding made themselves known in such public records domains but in my estimation June has lost its distinction as the most-wedding month. I am not sure which month might now have that title.

But what I do believe right about now is that there is a much-talked-about need for a New Year's Eve hitch and that discussion comes about on the heels of a DEPRESSION.

Yes, depression, because you know, despite what some are saying, we are in a depression.

I have heard of numerous couples who opted for that end-of-the-year wedding because of the thought that "we get married before New Year's, we can deduct a lot of money on our joint income tax return."

But the traditional day for a wedding is holding its own - Saint Valentine's Day, so I say to those planning to say "I do" on February 14, just a half dozen days away, go for it, TIE the knot.

You can always get the extra deduction next year, maybe even two if you hurry - AFTER THE WEDDING!

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